Friday, March 16, 2012

3/12/2012 email

From: Bradford Hunsaker []
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:47 PM

Emmie! I love you sweet child! :) (i heard that song today in the convy sweet child of mine) Be a good girl Emmie :)

Dylan how was the first game buddy? :) Yeah win the pinewood derby! 

Ewww Cassie went to prom! Gross! How are you doing sis? Oh my goodness you lost by 17 wow! What is going on with that you guys aren’t doing to good lol. Haha nice you get to have your wisdom teeth out! Thank you sister keep trying at softball and stay away from boys thanks I love you :)

This week was really good i wont lie i had a great week full of wonderful experiences! Really! Manning got released why? What’s up with that) but if the cardinals get him i don’t even know what to say that will be amazing! Alright so what else is going on? Do we have a Mormon president yet? No there isn’t a McDonald’s or Wendy’s i wish i want a frosty so bad! There are 8 missionaries in Cárdenas right now its crazy to think. 5 months out on my mission! And 3 in Mexico weird! Thank you i love you dad! :) 

Mom ok i will go to Sam’s (there is one in his town and he needs a new camera since he broke his) either today or tomorrow not sure when but i will do what you said no worries thank you :) how are you doing? Yeah the tiny elder is my companion. He is weird almost done with him thank you! I got my package as well thank you for everything. There were funny notes in the package. I got nanas cards as well. I can’t cook noodles i don’t have anything to cook with here but thank you for the thought! My week was good! I want a picture of baby Ainsley. I love you Mother! :) 

Ok so this week yeah was the bomb! :) The husband Gaby and the wife Lillian were married and baptized this is how the story starts. We contacted this family actually they were a member’s son they have gone through tons of missionaries. I guess they wanted nothing to do with the church or hear about it. We had a family home evening with the family and they became interested. We practiced with them for the past 3 weeks they wanted to know why we have baptisms for the dead and how we do that. Why we don’t drink coffee and other things which was cool. So we start teaching them hardcore everyday and teaching week 2 with them they asked can we be baptized! We were like heck yea! But they needed to be married first right. So we got the papers all together and got them turned in the wedding was set for the past week Thursday. So we got that all settled. We get a call on Tuesday night from Lillian saying to come over now i need help. So we arrive at the house turns out that Gaby was completely gone, just super drunk :/ We were so sad to see him like this, we couldn’t figure out what he was saying or anything. So tough to see your investigator like that. The following morning we went to there house again he was a lot better not drunk but still smelled like it. We talked for 2 hours about the atonement and watched a little bit of the resurrection video of Joseph Smith. After wards we gave Gaby a blessing. In the blessing we said let the spirit of the lord clean your body. After the blessing he ran out of the room and threw up everything he had been drinking the night before. It was gross but awesome that the spirit worked on his body. Then the next day was going to be their wedding but they didn’t know if they wanted to be married or not. We got a text at 8 at night saying get ready for tomorrow we are getting married! We were like yeah! Great! Had the wedding it was good! Then Friday was the interview with the President because Gaby had been drinking he had to have an interview with our mission Pres. He was deemed worthy! During this time Lillian was with some friends who started bad mouthing the church and missionaries. She then shut them up and started to teach them the lessons we had been teaching her! She said it felt really good to teach someone about what faith is. We were stunned and so happy that she took a stand.  We then got ready for the next day which was Saturday the baptism day. We traveled to the baptism place which was in a lagoon! How awesome right! We baptized them in a lagoon so crazy cool! That is my story for this week! :) Gotta go I love you so much! Take care have a great week! :)

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