From: Bradford Hunsaker [] Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 2:06 PM
Emmers! i don’t know what month I'm coming home silly i don’t think until November. how was swimming? on the 23rd school is over, wow. how cool! I love you. your the best baby sister ever!
Dylan-Hey buddy i have 250 pesos beat that! don’t cry when i get home buddy you’ll be fine!
Cassie-that is really tough cassie. I am sorry she has cancer once again. I’m sorry that things are not going well but cassie remember that you need to be there for her as much as you can. be a good friend and a good example cass. you know i love you and things will be ok just help them. explain the plan of salvation to the family if you can.
Mom- So this Kenny guy wrote a song for Tyler ? Cool. it is a tough deal with all this stuff going on. We all love those families. help Jacque as much as you can. haha Katie got a tattoo? that is awesome about Emmie having a freak out fit. she is a crazy nut i cant wait to see this little monster when i get home. Dylan sleep walking that is great. sounds like a fun night! that is cool that the missionary who spoke knew Christian P. who was the missionary who returned?
I’m doing fine with my health. we are finding those who we need and things are going good. don’t worry mom I’m fine really. just wait until i get home then we can worry ;) just messing. I love you mom be good and stay up don’t get down. keep your head high.
Dad-Next week are transfers and i don’t think they will be pulling my out of my area. i talked it over with presidente and he even told me that the area is not a area for new missionaries only for those who have experience. haha the whole thing is that everyone says that there is no hard area that is a lie! there are hard areas, doesn’t matter the missionary. why does your convert think that life is going to be perfect after he is baptized? if anything it is tougher your held at a higher responsibility of everything you need to do.
You have got to be kidding me, she ran out of gas in front of the station! cassie is a dork master! there is no other words to describe her other than the dumbest smartest person we all know. gez haha the Yankees and dbacks are in first we will see who stays there longer!
ok I’ll stick with the camera i got. thank you. I love you dad!
So ready for this weeks story!....
There was a random man who showed up to our church services this week. his name is Ruben. he has no job his brother is a member of the other stake next to ours. he loves the church he lives on the Island . he is preparing himself to learn more. he is dedicated to coming to church every Sunday without fault. he is ready to learn the Gospel and ready to live it. we talked about prophets on Sunday and we showed a picture of Thomas S. Monson to him and the class. after talking and finishing we asked him how can you know if Thomas Monson is a prophet. he said, well if he wasn’t a prophet, God would remove him from where he is at in the church. pretty good answer huh? we are amazed at how God just prepares the people to receive us!
From: Bradford Hunsaker [] Sent: Monday, May 27, 2013 11:48 AM
Emmers- I don’t think mermaids exist either little girly. how was the new phx temple little girl? how is it not being in school why are you spazing out? be a good girl Emmie or else you cant get baptized! I love you.
Dylan-I don’t owe you nothing buster! I love you and miss you. how is it not having school?
Cassie. Ok don’t get lazy now that school is out you still need to study spanish. because if you don’t poco y poco vas perder el lenguaje. salí? que pasa chika? no salio el ano con puro As? preparase mi hermanita tu vida vas cambiar mucho cunado yo vengo! ;) la verdad es que tengo mucho gozo a verte. como le va el descanso? créame cass tu tienes mucho para estudiar en las escrituras. te amo mucho estoy muy feliz en tus decisiones. Sea el ejemplo siempre. buenopue tenga un buen semana!
Mom- I uploaded new fotos :) the kid in the bucket he is taking a bath yep thats right a bath. a huge banana, i tried calling last night but i couldn’t get the dang thing to get reception. really Chad got his EMT and Walker that’s awesome! I'm happy to see that I’m not alone. you have got to be kidding me! its already time for summer break! i cant believe it! so lucky its been raining non stop here its coming down heavy. and apparently this rain season is going to be bad! they say like 18 hurricanes should pass through this year. crazy! Cassie a senor that is messed up how old am i? i cant believe how fast time has passed by I’m so scared to think about how things have changed. that is awesome those things Emmers says they’re so funny. she has a little bit of problems but ok good luck with that. awh man i wish i was there to find some snakes and what not for his birthday party. I don’t suggest her studying in Spain until she has asked the Lord if it is correct and if she wants heck ill go out there and study with her. going to Spain when its time for the running of the Bulls :) lets go together!
my week was good i was so focused in the work this week now things are turning around my companion is leaving tomorrow to a new area we have a baptism next week as well :) Things were interesting this week at church i can tell you this much we were conducting church services this week haha. no other priesthood came so yeah my companion and i conducted church services... don’t ask haha. I love you mom! Felicidades my mother you are getting so young :) I really hope the best for you on this special day and think next year i can be there to actually celebrate it with you. live life good mom but do it right. I miss you i wont lie. have a great day mom FELIZ CUMPLIANOS!
Dad- Things are going ok funny but good. i didn’t think i would ever be conducting church services but hey there is a first time for everything. that is a joke dude. how can you buy tickets and then lie saying there against the Yankees when they weren’t your a joke!
when i want to go to salt lake city again its to see some of my friends, maybe get sealed there, other than that ah heck no i aint going back! i don’t really want to go to cali when its cold haha lets go when its nice and warm please! Jordin Gardner graduated nice! when is he off on a mission? how are things going with you? its raining hardcore out here and its hotter than hot! gez I’m doing good though. :)
I love you dad!
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